The millenary city, the new city

Sevilla is still Sevilla, and we love that. But the city of three thousand-years-old history, emblematic and memorable, opens up now for the visitors with a brand new air, new meanings and new proposals who aim at making the experience more complete, authentic, shared and more sustainable. 

Sevilla in 2022

We have all learned to reinvent ourselves a little bit. Destinations such as Sevilla too. The city entered in 2022 confident of being building an urban model with more future than ever; bringing together projects and promoting activities that help to better enjoy Sevilla more and in a more sustainable way. The same city, the same Sevilla for residents and visitors.

In Sevilla, the tourist experience is not superfluous nor ephemeral, it is a full-of-content experience that embraces the visitor from the first moment and joins them with quality during their whole stay. Sometimes it is an image, a scent and a sound; sometimes a story and a legend; other times a long-lasting friendship, but there is always a common thread that gives meaning to enjoy a multifaceted never-ending city.

Sevilla wants their participants to discover those layers that increase the reality of its historical streets and its outstanding heritage. And she wants them to do it with the best facilities at their disposal. 

This year in Sevilla you can enjoy a wide variety of plans and events that bets for culture, avant-garde, sports… and for innovation and technology applied to tourism. Sevilla decided to be a smart destination which, based on innovation, succeeds to match in a sustainable way the lifelong quality of life and the current quality of tourism.

We’ve done all of this for you, and we can’t wait for you to feel it for yourselves.

Setas de Sevilla
Casa de la Moneda, Sevilla
Do you think you know Sevilla?

Sevilla invites you to discover all its layers. The new driving thread of the city aims to get you to know in depth everything that used to escape from the tourist storytelling. To make you discover those unknown corners, recovered spaces and fascinating stories. 

We have the greatest historic centre of Spain and the second of Europe, and now we bring our neighbourhoods closer to visitors, we have an amazing full-of-monuments patrimony and we also want to share our contemporary architecture. We are the city of the Feria and the Holy week, but we also want you to know our festivals, cultural and sport proposals, and our new leisure spaces.

I’m Sevilla, #VeryFamousVeryUnknown

Plaza de la Magdalena, Sevilla
Book your stay at Sevilla

- Once every two years Sevilla celebrates the Bienal de Flamenco, and in 2022 we will get excited with this festival, the most important of the flamenco world, a living art and in continual evolution linked to Sevilla since its origins. The meeting will be from 8th September to 1st October.

- Culture is a distinguishing feature of Sevilla. Events such as the Festival of Sevilla, dedicated to the European cinema, or the feSt (Festival for the performing arts) are also emblematic meetings in the Sevillian autumn and for the local and international public. 

- OFFF Sevilla is another meeting that positions the city as the base point of creativity and avant-garde visual arts. 

- Una ciudad que además vive el deporte intensamente con pruebas participativas tan exitosas como el Maratón de Sevilla, que este año tendrá lugar el 22 de febrero, o eventos como la final de la UEFA Europa League, el 18 de mayo, y el World Footbal Summit Europe, en septiembre.

- Sevilla está viviendo una transformación extraordinaria en servicios para el visitante. Por ejemplo, la oferta hotelera de la ciudad se ha ampliado y modernizado con la creación de numerosos establecimientos de primer nivel. Lo mismo que su propuesta de restauración, cada vez más extensa y  de mayor calidad. La cultura de la tapa se renueva con respeto al origen para convertir a Sevilla en un auténtico referente gastronómico.

- This innovative and sustainable Seville not only drives creativity in those who make contact with her, but also drives an enjoyable and eco-friendly wellness. Sport lovers find Sevilla as a city with great facilities and wide green areas, and the Guadalquivir as a privileged rowing and kayaking river. If practicing sports is one of your New Year’s resolutions for 2022, Sevilla is the best place to make it happen.

- A city that lives sport intensely with successful runs such as Maratón de Sevilla, which will take place 22nd February or events such as the UEFA European League final on 18th May, and the World Footbal Summit Europe in September. 

- Sevilla is experiencing an extraordinary transformation of facilities for the visitors. For instance, the hotel offer of the city has grown and been brought up to date with the creation of several buildings of first class. The same happened to the restaurants, which grew in number and in quality. The culture of the tapa gets renovated in relation to the origin to become Sevilla in a gastronomic benchmark

Para tener en cuenta...
  1. Enjoy more than 180 kilometres of cycle lanes and 250 Sevici stations in Seville, open 24 hours a day, with 2,600 bicycles at your disposal.
  2. Did you know that ours is the flattest marathon in Europe? It also has the IAAF Gold Label.
  3. This year is the culmination of the commemoration of Magellan and Elcano's First Circumnavigation of the World, which started and finished in Seville.