A city that will never stop amazing you

There are photogenic cities, others which look like perfect postcards and there are cities which are made to be filming locations. Seville has the capacity of reinventing itself continuously and, even though cinema has already used many locations of the city, there are still many unique places that the world has not discovered yet. Discover them yourself!

Seville means cinema

When strolling around Seville, many people experience fantastic, almost surreal sensations. The first time you get to see Plaza de España feels like being inside the big screen (this has been the thought of many tourists, for sure), and this sensation continues when exploring all those special corners, little squares and fairytale-like gardens in Maria Luisa Park.

Would you like to feel like a movie director for a minute? Why don’t you share with us on Instagram the perfect Seville location where you would film your own movie? Use the hashtag #SevillaDeCine so that everyone can enjoy your picture.


Plaza de España, Seville
Lights, Camera, Action!

Since the very beginning of the history of cinema, when the Lumière brothers came to film some sequences of the Semana Santa in Seville, many other cinema directors have fallen in love with the iconic power of the city. George Lucas, David Lean, Ridley ScottAlejandro Amenábar, Luis Buñuel or Jim Jarmusch are some examples of these emblematic figures of the world of cinema. However, there are even more tourists who every year discover unique and unforgettable places in the city which will go around the world thanks to their smartphones.

The special light of the city has not gone unnoticed by movie directors.

Some unique locations

Los Venerables is a Baroque hidden gem. Do not miss its incredible church and its frescoes, painted by Valdés Leal.


In the Altozano of Triana, you can see “through” the soul of Belmonte, the bullfighter, and take a picture of La Maestranza, the bullring, located just on the other side of the river.


The roofs of the Cathedral will make you feel as if you were in another century… Domes, pinnacles, flying buttresses and rose windows that you will be able to admire in detail.


Squares like those of Las Tres Cruces, La Alianza and Santa Marta will be engraved in your memory. The whole neighborhood of Santa Cruz is a delight to the eye.


The Church of Santa María La Blanca and the Chapel of San José are authentic findings for the most curious travelers. Do not miss them.

To keep in mind…
  1. Seville’s Plaza de España was declared Treasure of European Film Culture.
  2. Seville has more than 300 sunny days, which makes it the perfect paradise to shoot on exterior locations.
  3. Each November, Seville becomes the annual meeting place of the European Film Festival.