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How to get around

Here you will find all the information you need to get around Seville.

Download the information on the different means of transport to move around Seville: HOW TO VISIT SEVILLE (PDF)


The Sevillian bus network is very extensive, and it is perhaps the preferred method by the locals. At most stops, you can find NFC service points where you can check waiting times on your mobile along with all kinds of information about the city. There are also screens providing information on the arrival times of the next bus. The entire fleet is monitored by GPS.

More information

Phone number

955 010 010

Information points                

Taquilla en Plaza Ponce de León
Prado San Sebastián (junto a la parada de Metro_Centro)


Airport Special Line


Seville has one metro line. The new, modern light metro crosses the city from East to West (connecting with the metropolitan area). 
The Metrocentro is the surface version of the metro, which will help you to reach the very heart of Seville: its monumental area. The route itself is a splendid tourist path.

More information

Phone number
900 927 172
954 540 785


Monday to Thursday: 06:30 - 23:00 
Friday and public holiday: 06:30 - 02:00 
Saturday: 07:30 - 02:00 
Sunday and public holiday: 07:30 - 23:00 horas




Taxis in Seville are easily recognizable: they are white with a yellow diagonal stripe on the side (the green light indicates that the taxi is available).

More information

Teléfonos de atención al cliente:

Radio Taxi Giralda (+34) 954 675 555
Tele Taxi Sevilla (+34) 954 622 222
Radio Taxi (+34) 954 580 000

Radio Taxi Sevilla:


Tele Taxi Sevilla:
