Reenacting Magallanes’ trip

Among other centers of this kind, the Aquarium of Seville is one of the centers with the most biodiversity of Europe. More than 3,000 cubic meters of water, around 400 marine species and more than 7,000 specimens, from which we can highlight the sand tiger sharks (Carcharias Taurus) and the bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo), the atamata turtles (Chelus fimbriatus) and the giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). The aquarium represents Magallanes’ trip in search for an alternative route to the Portuguese one to reach the Spice Islands, in 1519. Here, the visitors will be able to “plunge” in the different types of seabed that can be found all around the planet.


A new space that arrives in Seville to complete the city´s educational, leisure and tourist offer. Among its main attractions, we highlight its main tank, the Oceanario, one of the largest shark aquariums in Europe, with a depth of more than 9 meters.

400 marine species and more than 7,000 specimens.


Opening hours

(+34) 955 44 15 41


Muelle de las Delicias s/n