A royal dream

You can’t imagine what lies behind its walls ... a collection of palaces, fortresses and gardens that have long lived as witnesses of the city's history.

One of the most important monumental complexes in the world

Everyone who has been here will be able to confirm it: the Royal Alcázar of Seville transports you to different eras, an experience you will never forget. You will without doubt get to know one of the most spectacular monumental complexes in the world.

The Royal Alcazar has been the place chosen by different civilisations, cultures, and dynasties as a centre of power: from the Almohads to the Christian kings, they have left their legacy here for history. A fantastic example is in the wonderful Mudejar Palace built by Pedro I.

Real Alcázar de Sevilla
Real Alcázar de Sevilla
Dream spaces

The poetic names of the spaces of the Alcázar will not seem whimsical, but faithful to the feelings they will give you: the Patio of the Maidens, the Room of the Prince, the Patio of the Dolls, the Hall of Ambassadors, the Gothic Hall of parties, the Hall of Tapestries, the Pond of Mercury, the Garden of Dance, the Garden of the Poets ... You have to come to try it.

Inside, there are dream patios and gardens.

Real Alcázar de Sevilla
Discovering their stories

The Royal Alcázar of Seville is declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Even today it has royal rooms in use, making it the oldest active royal palace in Europe.
Numerous filmings have taken place there: cinema and television have also succumbed to the seductive power of its halls, courtyards, fountains ... It has been the kingdom of Dorne in the Game of Thrones series.
A population of royal peacocks lives in their hundred-year-old gardens (everything is royal here).
The Baths of Dona Maria de Padilla contain an exciting legend: this noble lady bathed here, lover of Pedro I. The king loved her so much that she had the courts proclaim her queen upon his death.

To keep in mind...
  1. In the Gardens of the Royal Alcázar of Seville there is a unique water feature.
  2. After his second trip to America, Christopher Columbus was received in the Hearing Room of the Alcazar.
  3. The Patio of the Dolls gets its name from the small faces that can be seen in one of its arches.